Friday, June 1, 2012


Happy June :) it's almost summer! I love summer and spring and fall the most :D

I wrote 14 poems in May, though I've only posted five of them. Here's two short ones, and the rest of them will probably never see the light of day.

There was lightening last night
no thunder, just sudden
flashes of white
that lit up the sky
and the trees, and the yard
and disappeared, leaving
imprints on my eyes
and me staring outside
waiting for more.

This next one is really silly :P

My poems, like cheese,
ripen with age
the older they get
the more I realize
they stink.



  1. Lol! The last one was funny xD

  2. I absolutely adore your last one. Lol!! I really did laugh out loud when I read it. ( Also, I've had numerous poems where I feel like they ripen (like cheese) with age.)
