Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day #7

I am the queen of few words
and little, my brain was not made
for complicated thoughts
(but that's a lie, they all
are so overly tangled that
they can't be put into words
except for the most simple
and broad of terms-)
I am confused
I don't know why
I dislike my mind
I am fickle and
I am afraid.
I'll be a queen the day I unlock
the wall, (or it just comes crumbling
down from too much pounding
with my head)
and I can actually write
what I'm trying to say.

First poem I wrote this year. This is one of those journal-like poems I write a lot of (but one of my favorites, I like it an illogical amount), so I was wondering, does it make sense to anyone else? :)


  1. Are you in control (as the queen), or not in control (with confusing thoughts)? Or both?

  2. Hm, interesting thought. I guess in the beginning I'm in control of few words because that's all I can manage, but I'd really like to be in control of what I'm trying to say. So, both :)
