Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day #10

Very busy day today (SATS are taken ugh, nap is taken yay, and now off to play in a concert an hour and a half away!) so this is just a short poem from last February. I might post a short story tomorrow :)

I love the sky right now
it's blue for once
been gray all day
little wisps of clouds
float by, they're tinged with pink
the sun glows orange
I've missed the sun today.
The trees are still
and so am I
we all are mesmerized
we stand upturned
to face the sky.



  1. How was the test?

    I need to figure out how to get updates for this blog.

  2. It was alright I think, very long and boring though.

    There should be a follow button somewhere on the blog, (possible on the top of the page) or I see a subscribe by email thingy right below this comment box :)
